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Levee Stabilisation

The Power Of EcoArmour®

Developed with the sole purpose of providing durable protection for levee systems, EcoArmour is engineered to withstand the relentless water flows commonly encountered in such challenging environments.

Here’s how EcoArmour® can efficiently protect your site:


A High-Performance Solution

EcoArmour® provides robust protection against severe climates and extreme weather conditions. With exceptional resistance to abrasion, UV rays, and chemicals, this solution ensures functional longevity for over 20 years, making it the perfect choice for levee systems.


Compliance And Safety

Our product meets all relevant transport and main road specifications, including MRSW52 – Erosion and sediment control, 20601P – Geobinders, and 20605P – Erosion control blanket, ensuring safety and compliance.


Immediate Erosion Control

EcoArmour provides fast erosion protection with a drying time of just 4 hours (subject to ambient temperatures). Its hydrophobic fiber matrix seamlessly adapts to the treated surface, preventing cracking while ensuring superior quality, durability, and protection for levees.


Rapid Installation

EcoArmour® offers a significant advantage over traditional erosion control blankets in terms of installation speed, requiring less workforce and resulting in cost reduction. Its remarkable efficiency and ease of application make it a superior choice for erosion control.

Application Excellence

Applying EcoArmour to levee systems is a seamless process that guarantees comprehensive coverage and adherence.

Site Assessment

Our technicians thoroughly assess the site to ascertain the most effective application strategy through a comprehensive evaluation process.

Surface Preparation

The levee surface is prepared to ensure that the EcoArmour mixture will adhere correctly.

Precision Application

With the aid of our specialized HydroRig™ cannon, we expertly apply EcoArmour to structures, guaranteeing uniform coverage and instant adhesion.

Quality Assurance

Every project is accompanied by a customised Quality Management Plan and Inspection & Test Plan (ITP). These documents serve to identify and document project specifications and requirements, guaranteeing adherence to quality standards and regulations.

Ready to Protect Your Infrastructure?

EcoArmour® is the leading choice for levee stabilisation, offering a durable solution that stands the test of time. To get started with EcoArmour, please fill out the form below. We look forward to helping you achieve durable and efficient protection solutions for your site.